Spain’s digital visionaries to share their experiences at The Next About Digital Leaders at Campus Madrid

- January 7, 2019

Spain’s digital visionaries will discuss firsthand what digital technologies they use today and how at The Next About Digital Leaders event in Madrid on January 17.

The IEBS Business School, together with the SeedRocket accelerator and the IDG Computerworld University technological training center of the IDG Communication Group, are organizing The Next About Digital Leaders event on January 17 at Campus Madrid.

Read More: Dribo wins SeedRocket XIX Campus de Emprendedores, Fluttr & Arbor Fintech runners-up

The event is free and open to both physical attendees and those who can’t be there in-person via live-stream.

It is an event focused on the current economic, social and technological context that requires new digital leaders capable of understanding and causing the change that business organizations currently need.

The Next About Digital Leaders will involve digital leaders, representatives of leading companies in digital technology, to transmit their experience and how to lead change projects.

The inspirational talks will be given by experts in technology implementation projects and digital transformation in large Spanish companies.

Some of these experts include:

  • Blanca Losada, former director of Naturgy and an expert in Spain’s energy, industrial and technological sector
  • José Luis Alonso, General Manager of Kyocera Document Solutions in Spain and an expert in innovation and digital transformation who will talk about the future of workspace in organizations
  • Sergio Moreno, Business Development Manager Cloud Innovation and Digital Transformation at Oracle, who will talk about the Blockchain technology and a case of application success
  • Pascual Parada, responsible for innovation and development at IEBS Business School, who will deal with Machine Learning and Deep Learning and how they are applying it to the processes of the company itself
  • Jose Pedro Moro, MSPs/CSPs, ISVs, Startups & Developer Ecosystem Manager at IBM
  • Raquel Mora, ISDEFE technology consultant and representative of the official telecommunications school of Madrid.

In addition, the day will feature the participation of Oscar Fuente, Director of IEBS Business School, who will act as presenter of the event offering his particular vision of the leaders of the future.

In addition, the event will be attended by Marlon Molina, Director of Computerworld University, who will act as a moderator of the round table “The essence of the Digital Leaders of the future,” which will consist of a reflection on the competencies, skills and knowledge of the digital leaders of the future and concrete recommendations to become one of them.

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Tim Hinchliffe

Tim Hinchliffe the editor in chief at Novobrief. Previously, he was a reporter for The Ghanaian Chronicle in West Africa, and Colombia Reports in South America. Principal at Espacio.