Quance wins first stop in Asturias of Venture on the Road, organized by BStartup, Seedrocket and Wayra

- December 2, 2022

Venture on the Road is an event organized by BStartup of Banco Sabadell, Seedrocket, and Wayra (Telefónica), to promote entrepreneurship throughout Spain, covering different cities in the region.

This year the event has kicked off its sixth edition in Asturias, maintaining its objectives: to seek the best deal flow in each region and give startups in the seed stage the opportunity to present their project to investors and facilitate networking.

In this first stop, held on December 1st, Venture on the Road Asturias had the collaboration of the local ecosystem thanks to the European Business and Innovation Centre (CEEI) of the Principality of Asturias, Astur Valley, and Oviedo Emprende.

The finalist startups were BetterMapsAI, Camino App, HolaPlace, and Quance, the latter being the contest’s winner. Quance is a software and intelligence company aimed at the digital asset market that specializes in developing management systems and automatic investment and algorithmic trading systems.

The winning startup of the VI Venture on the Road in Oviedo, which has already secured its place in the final, will be part of Google Cloud’s digital native program and will receive up to $10,000 in credits valid for 9 months, architecture review and technical follow-up with Google Cloud engineers. In addition, it will pass to the fast track of the SeedRocket Entrepreneur Campus selection process.

The national winner of the VI Venture on the Road will receive as a prize a support package from all the partners, which includes specialized financial or marketing advice worth 3,000 euros offered by BStartup, participation as a guest project in the SeedRocket Entrepreneurs Campus, and a 6-12 month space in Wayra’s offices, as well as access to events, training, workshops, and contacts.

Venture on the Road will soon land in Cartagena, Bilbao, Malaga, Valladolid, and Alicante, looking for talent and promising startups at a regional level beyond Madrid and Barcelona, the national technology hubs of reference.